Traverse Unit Manufacturer
In all of the diverse races including additional items, there are roughly 100 units inside the Traverse Unit amusement. Approaching a thorough rundown of all units is just an issue of interfacing with numerous online assets to locate an entire Traverse Units direct. Despite the fact that that number appears like a considerable measure recollect that there are three unique races, and the quantity of accessible units isn't generally that not the same as the first Traverse Unit diversion. Truth be told in spite of the fact that Traverse Unit "Wings Of Liberty" has been numerous long a very long time really taking shape, a portion of the first units return in this most recent discharge, some having expanded capacities highlighting new overhauls. For instance, the Protons Zealot, which is a Melee unit from the first amusement stage, now comes furnished with a researchable capacity. This enables it to rapidly dash forward to adjacent adversaries and is a speed redesi...